Wow. Einstein’s “observer” as a crucial player in his theory and in screenwriting. Right on again. And provocative.

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I recently wrote a busting the fourth wall scene. A girl leads the movie theater audience to how to count like an auctioneer and how to bid call like an auctioneer.

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Hello Richard, happy Friday, soon Jesus Christ will come in the clouds of heaven only believe in Jesus and you and your household will be saved .I am learning about your screen writing it's interesting, our water pipe burst that gives water to all Calgary, it's been since last Wednesday and still work men two got injured in hospital now .It's been ten days now this pipe that brust a jugd truck could drive through it , we have to conserve our water limit toilet flush I pee three or four times and put toilet paper in garbage yhen my compost bucket to be composted , I get water from CO-OP my drinking water in my 4 liters jugs I've been praying for those work men and Calgary residents, lots of countries have hard times with water , we take for granted till it happens to you your water you have to be careful about our water problems it's scary for sure over a million people in Calgary Alberta Canada 🇨🇦 my ankle sure does hurt , I cleaned apt yesterday but it hurts my ankle so much, and I have to go to the bottle dept then get photo copy of certain stuff then home well I need an ankle operation first see Orthopedic surgeon then go from there , well take care hope to get your book DeadPan Blessings Richard

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