Is Ebenezer Scrooge the hero of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol? Who is the villain of A Christmas Carol? What type of characters is the rest of the characters in A Christmas Carol? Was Charles Dickens great at bending the characters to serve a different purpose than one would have guessed while still keeping to solid story structure form?

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Richard, as you know I do enjoy listening to you. Just after 9 am here after another gruelling two separate sessions at the keyboard (only one for me and my story). You're a dying man, same as me, somewhat older but not by much. I disagree and agree with all you say. Beginnings and endings. Start with a... and end with a bang... I like the sayings, the idioms, the adages. Such a shame that we never met (or will). The reality seems that simple minds (nothing wrong with that), seek instant pleasure. I don't care. The first pages of my third screenplay, my first as a presumed adult, occupy 3 pages. I can't get them any shorter.

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